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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chapter 2

Chapter 2
How she got to school, she does not yet know… All the way traveled by bus went like speeding meaningless images. The only thing that mattered to her was the heavenly music that kept ringing loudly in her headphones. It sounded so perfect, like all the good energies were concentrated and mixed in those lyrics and notes. Listening to those songs made her feel like she had a part of him in her pocket the whole day. It felt so close…
Everything was so typical on the road from the bus station to school. People were mere marionettes of destiny, underpaid actors in a low quality movie. The decorum was heavily lacking originality… there was half molten snow everywhere that splashed disgustingly with every step one took, poorly drawn gray buildings and a cloned-like society. They were all similar, their foreheads wrinkling at any slight disturbance, all dressed in grey, all bearing a daily sorrow in their eyes. No one was rushing, no one was slowing down either. Their steps kept the same turbulent pace and with every splash the grey snow was slowly turning into dirty muddy water. It’s interesting how the only difference between aged and young people was only the tightness of their clothes and the price of their phones and accessories. The shinier the gadgets and purses were, the duller their spirit felt. Almost like a tired old man’s soul… Everything was so bleak, like in a world of inanimate robots functioning by some premade algorithms. So mechanical, that all sounded like a rusty iron cradle.
Amy was desperately searching for a fracture of life in that grey abyss, but she could only find that comfort in her music. After all, it was the only thing at that moment that could make her heart pump with a bit more energy. It triggered her memory and her dreams. Time froze for her just before entering the noisy cold building. It was the part of the song that meant so much for her… He once told her that what he felt was best expressed in those lyrics. With only her chest moving periodically, just for the sake of breathing, she just stood there with her brain almost exploding. It was overloaded with whispering memories. Where they even real? Didn’t really matter anyway… they seemed real enough to fill her body with drops of life.
The piercing wind was pulling her hair, rushing blood into her pale cheeks, drying her lips. Her hair looked like long tangled stripes of dark satin, so wild in that windy rage. That didn’t really mean anything to Amy. She was frozen in the warm spot of her imagination. It was like a spark of joy. Her big blue eyes smiled as if she saw him for real there. As if he would approach her and overcome the limits of her mind. His image was starting to develop steam edges, pale hints of his appearance.
Yet the wind blew his vapors away, together with her smiling eyes. It was time to come back to reality once again. Amy followed the example of all the other students, and obediently went to her class, still with her thoughts hanging to those vapors in the wind. And she was alone…


  1. and if it wasn't already the exams session she would be looking forward for a break to go out and smoke a cigarette with her colleague, Demi, from next door faculty.

  2. Yay! Am așteptat cu nerăbdare continuarea și nu am fost dezamăgit. Ai reușit în aceste două capitole să o aduci pe Amy în viața mea și să mă faci să mă gândesc mereu ”oare ce se va întâmpla cu ea? ce îi macină oare sufletul și ce îi animă inima?”. Felul în care ai descris natura, societatea, trăirile protagonistei îmi par toate cunoscute, ca și cum ar face parte din mine, însă ascund un mister, au ceva aparte... . Felicitări din nou, Lary și aștept ca inspirația și timpul să îți vină în ajutor și să așterni pe foaie un nou capitol :D. Mult succes cu examenele rămase!


  3. Is this Amy really a reflection on You?

    1. Nop :) Amy is the product of my imagination, based on some songs

    2. Thought so..

      That spark of light from the previous chapter starts to take shape in.. her loved one. Very sweet escape
