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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Chapter 6

Oblivious of all surrounding things, Amy rushed home, as if she participated in a street race. She constantly kept her hand on the purse, somehow protecting the old mirror. The only thing she could protect it from actually was the 21st century’s reality.
 “I haven’t felt so lively in centuries… it’s like I actually know what I am doing… but I don’t… God, please tell me I’m not mad!”.
Arriving home, she ignored everything, and rushed to her room to take out her new precious possession. It was so beautiful. It was perfect for her room, even though the style was not matching. Amy stared at the mirror for quite a few minutes… nothing happened. But for some reason she still felt really connected to it in some way. That shine… she had known it many years ago. It seems to have had a different reflection. Raising her eyebrow, Amy mumbled: “Ok, maybe I’m just nuts…”, and she grabbed her phone to call her mother, who had announced to come that very evening.
“Beep….beep….beep… Hello, this is Brenda O’Connor, ex Knight. I am unavailable at the moment, so please leave a message after the beep! Beep!”
“Hey, mom! It’s me… I just called to asked if we could delay this visit till tomorrow or something… I feel a bit tired and I really had a long day. I hope you don’t mind.”
Drinking her tea, while still looking at the mirror that was left on the bed, she remembered the strange silhouette she had seen in the morning. Such a strange day! And those dreams she had! Confusion and the sense on randomness of facts were actually making her think that she had lost her sense of reality… So she decided to watch cheap shallow TV programs till she could fall asleep.
Still, any educated mind cannot stand watching TV for more than one hour without getting a headache, so Amy quickly switched to listening to music. She took out all her candles, put three on her desk, three on the upper shelf, and two on the floor. Leaving the window half open, she could enjoy the freezing breeze that fluttered her red curtains. Placing carefully her earphones with some ambiental gothic music, she closed her eyes, enjoying the perfection of feeling. Her whole body trembled with the notes of the songs, while in her brain there was a much more beautiful world than the one she lived in. Physically she was in her soft warm bed, but mentally, she could’ve been anywhere then. Dreaming of medieval whispers and legends, she easily fell into the state of almost sleeping, yet half awake. Her strips of imagination were tangling with the flickering light of the candles…
And they were flickering so vividly… and their light was multiplied by the mirror, which Amy had set on her desk before going to bed. The mirror surface was creating such an amazing show of lights! Her room could be the perfect subject for a painter in that moment: the silver light of the full moon was passing through the red curtains, only to lay on Amy’s smooth white skin. Her left side was embraced by the golden trembling light of the candles, the whole mirage being perfectly pictured in the mirror.
Half dreaming, Amy felt how the soft cold breeze transformed into a more violent wind. It felt like the touch of a dead person… cold and not threatening. With her eyes still shut, she felt the wind on her thighs, freezing her warm skin. Still she pulled away the blanket, leaving her entire body at the mercy of the full moon and the wind’s mercy. Suddenly the cool air started feeling ever colder… and colder. Realizing that something was different, she tried to open her eyes, yet with no success. She felt a close breath by her neck. Her heartbeat increased as she could feel that gentle breath moving slowly to her face. Feeling both scared and safe, Amy couldn’t tell whether it was dream or reality.
“Please, don’t hurt me!”
Being completely paralyzed in the bed, Amy heard by her left ear: “Don’t you really remember me?”. And she felt his death cold hands slowly pressing upon her legs, moving carefully to her thighs and hips.
“No… I… I don’t!”.
“You lie!”, he whispered in a low tone, undoing the buttons of her white nightdress.
Her rationality and ability to think were as paralyzed as her body. The best thing she could do was to surrender. She wanted him. “Even if this is just my dream, even if I didn’t see your face, even if I don’t even know who you are, or what you are, you give me that familiar feeling I had this morning when I saw that steam silhouette.”
“Shhh! Remember me with your senses!”, said he approaching her lips. “Lose yourself to me, and forget about everything for a night”. She felt his lips so dangerously close to hers that she couldn’t help but reach out for them, yet he pulled back started kissing slowly her neck. And then harder, biting it, holding tight her waist. The traces of sooth of her skin were glittering in the moonlight, as her body was struggling naked in the cold embrace of something that she could not understand.
The gothic sounds of music were still ringing faintly in her earphones, while the wind was gently blowing in Amy’s hair. His smooth chest pressed upon Amy’s pale breasts and covering her with his entire being, he asked her “Now do you remember me?”.
As response to her silence, he finally gave in to her invitation to kiss her. Those were the sweetest lips Amy had ever tasted… They even danced perfectly in the same rhythm with her lips, pressing on each other wildly, passionately. His tip of the tongue was slowly playing with hers, licking her craving lips. Her agony of not being able to open her eyes to see him dispersed with the idea that it felt so real…
“One day you will forget what I did to you… or maybe one day you won’t remember this night”, he said. “Unless you try to remember me… unless you want to keep me”.
And the whole weight lifted from her body. Amy opened her eyes, just to see that all her candles had turned into molten wax meanwhile, and that he naked body felt really cold, because of the cold wind that blew through the window. She didn’t turn on the light.
“What was that?”, said Amy looking at the mirror…
Putting her nightdress on, pulling on her blanket, she sank her head in the pillow, crying like she’d never cried before…

Please, listen to these while reading Chapter 6 :D



  1. Twice i've read it and twice I was pulled away from my living room and into Amy's room, into her bed, into her arms. Lary, this is just amazing, this is now the most intense of your chapter, surpassing all of the others, and I must be honest and say that only a few times in my life had I ever felt such mind, body and soul ecstasy all in one. I can't seem to find the proper words to explain the feelings that went through me while listening to these epic songs and while Amy was taking shape right in front of my very eyes... . Felicitări, Lary!!! și desigur mulțumesc pentru că mi-ai oferit ocazia de a citi ceva așa de minunat >:D<. Îți dai seama că acum aștept C7 cu o groază de nerăbdare nu? :)).

    P.S. M-ai rugat dacă întâlnesc greșeli de scriere să te anunț... „and that he naked body” - ai păpat un „r” :D. În rest nu mi-a sărit în ochi ceva...și asta am văzut abia la a doua lecturare deoarece prima dată am devorat efectiv rândurile :)).

    1. Thank you, Mitza, so much for your kind words! I guess than that my dear Amy really managed to express all that weirdness of my mind...
      I am surprised you haven't noticed some lines i thought you'd recognize in the text :D
      I will correct that spelling mistake rly soon :D
      Thank you again and here are many many hugs!
